1. 思一思,研发改善措施;试一试,坚持不懈努力
Think it over and improve the research and development method,
Have a try and make unremitting efforts.
2. 不折不扣地完成产品的研发
Complete the research and development of the products down the line.
3. 努力与收获成正比
Endeavor and achievement are in direct ratio.
4. 团结拼搏,高效创收。
Work as a team and you will harvest efficiently.
5. 创优质品牌,铸一流形象。
Create high-quality brand , top-grade business enterprise image.
6. 常常告诉自己—我能
We should often tell ourselves: I can.
7. 人人有改善的能力,事事有改进的余地
Everyone has the ability to improve, everything has room for improvement.
8. 锲而不舍,精益求精
Perseverance, excellence.
9. 技术过硬,独当一面
Be technically good and handle things independently.
10. 看不出问题,就是最大的问题。
The biggest problem is finding out no problem.
11. 知之者不如行之者。
To do is better than to say.
12. 细心观察,认真分析,科学总结。
Observe carefully, analyze seriously and summarize scientifically.
13. 有志者事竟成。
Where there is a will, there is a way.
14. 合理安排时间就是节约时间。
To choose time is to save time.
15. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。
Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.
16. 虚争空言,不如试之易效。
Attempt is more effective than empty words.
17. 责任高于一切,成就源于付出。
Responsibility is absolutely above all. Achievement comes from hard work.
18. 大业成于百折不挠,不论力量大小。
Great works are performed not by strength but by perseverance.
19. 行动第一,想法第二;速度第一,完美第二;结果第一,过程第二
Act upon thought, finish it promptly then seek perfection, value outcome more than process.